Welcome to Abundant Life Ministries

About Covenant By Design Platform


Covenant by Design Christian Fellowship, Inc. was founded by Dr. Paulette Jones Olasoji on September 02, 2008 to serve as a parent covering for leaders and ministries in the United States, as well as abroad. The ministry of Abundant Life had been serving as a covering prior to that point. The Lord led Dr. Olasoji to avail herself as a covenant covering through Covenant by Design Christian Fellowship for pastors who were seeking for God’s provision for a Covenant Alliance of Leaders. Covenant by Design Christian Fellowship, Inc. is determined to settle for nothing less than excellence in ministry. As a covering for pastors, together we desire to extract from one another’s deposits. Together, we will face the work of oneness in ministry to which God is calling the church. We are convinced, according to God’s Word that the gates of hell shall not “prevail against the church.”

Dr. Olasoji considers it a humbling experience that God has chosen her to be one who sits in his ordained purpose, to lay aside differences, recognize in humility our need for oneness in the Gospel and embrace in surrendering our likeness. In November 2014, Dr. Diane Curry was installed as the Assistant Overseer to Covenant by Design Christian Fellowship, Inc. She, along with her Covenant, Abundant Life Family Covenant became a vital part of the Covenant by Design. With her awesome leadership, she has become a great asset to the covenant, to the founder and overseer, Dr. Olasoji. Kingdom Connection, led by Bishop Leotha Walthour Sr. and Dr. Curley Walthour became a vital part of the Covenant, under the leadership of Dr. Diane Curry. In 2023 Kingdom Connections Ordained Bishop Leotha Wathour Jr. as overseer. The three covenants, Covenant by Design under Dr. Paulette Olasoji, Ab. L. Family Covenant, under Dr. Diane Curry and Kingdom Connection, under Dr. Curley Walthour, joined forces to “Build God A Nation.” In November 2016, Bishop Michael Young was installed as the second Assistant Overseer to Dr. Olasoji, along with Dr. Diane Curry. Bishop Young also serves as Bishop of the United Temple of Praise Covenant.The leaders and the four covenants came together to get a job done. Dr. Diane Curry was promoted to Overseer of Covenant By Design Christian Fellowship November of 2020 and is currently serving in that office today. In 2022 Bishop Michael Nowlin Jr. was ordained as an assistant overseer. Overseer Apostle Dr.Diane Curry ordained Bishop Young as Apostle Michael J. Young during Abundant Life Family Covenant ordination in 2023. Apostle Michael Young and Bishop Michael Nowlin Jr. currently serve as the assistant overseers for the covenant. Covenant by Design Christian Fellowship now serves as the parent covering for over twenty- five ministries and plans to continue to enlarge God’s Kingdom on earth as the revelation of His kingdom comes alive in us, as His will is done in us as it is done in heaven. We align ourselves with King Jesus and allow the scales to fall from our eyes that we might see truth. We are allowed to hear the collision between the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of heaven. Covenant by Design welcomes with excitement, corporately, all who have decided to join ranks, forget petty differences, and put God’s kingdom first, so that we might experience God’s best together. God is listening for that certain sound, people of God; “Let’s Make the Sound Together!”